Opportunity II

Highly disruptive IoT technologies are taking agriculture by storm.  No longer is there a need to grow fruits and vegetables only outside. Technology has accelerated the indoor growing movement and allowed farms to go up and up creating what is called a Vertical Farm.  In a nutshell it’s basically taking racks and staking plants on top of each other and using advanced LED’s creating man made natural light, by calibrating the light spectrum for the energy and photosynthesis a plant needs to thrive. The lights can also achieve the same results of a 1,000 watt metal halide, with a 40 watt LED.

Vertical Farming Technician
Vertical Farming and Aquaponics use up to 90% less water, eliminate runoff, save topsoil, recycle resources, increase food safety while reducing impact on an ever dwindling supply of quality agricultural land. You can generate energy on site, with either solar energy, wind energy or waste product energy and slash fossil fuel use dramatically.  After the Fukishima earthquake and subsequent tsunami. Japanese citizens are scared to eat anything that has been grown in soil. In addition to eating any seafood sourced near the site. How can you blame them?  Introduced shortly after the reactor blew, the only thing left out of the equation was another protein source.  The best compliment that enables the new vertical farmer to solve these problems is Aquaponics

Year-round Crop Production

One indoor acre produces exponentially more fruit, vegetables, and herbs than an outdoor acre, depending upon the crop and scale of Vertical Farm created. For example one acre of land can produce 2 to 3 crops of lettuce per year. That same space using the Vertical Farming method can create potentially up to 90 times the amount, depending on how many floors, levels of plants, etc. Even with a modest one story container, you can produce up to 10 times the amount feasible on the same space of land. 


No topsoil is lost in Vertical Farming and with a 90% less water usage than conventional farms, it allows perfectly for long sustainability. The only water loss, is the water that actually becomes part of the vegetation. With Aquaponics the waste product from the fish, shrimp or whatever your farming, replenishes the soil creating a practically limitless resource of growing with very little need for replenishing the soil or water.

UCG has complied a proprietary deal book of 100’s of potential opportunities that we track in our focus area. We take a highly disciplined hands-on approach to investing. Our model provides access to the very best deals in an explosive new sector. Simply put, our team can move rapidly and offer a strong offer on the very best deal opportunities, from the very beginning once we achieve funding. UCG’s operating team, bring experience and an alternative investment track record, which result in great investment decisions on behalf of the Fund and our Limited Partners.

The UCG LP Venture Real Estate Opportunity Fund I, will invest in a diversified portfolio of Affordable Student Housing, Affordable Senior Housing and Institutional-Quality Commercial Real Estate. The Fund has been designed to invest in a portfolio of U.S. commercial real estate, as well as potential overseas projects, that will provide:

* Current Income that exceeds fixed income securities.
* Capital appreciation associated with commercial real estate.
* The combination of providing ongoing cash flow and short to mid term capital appreciation in projects with higher growth opportunities represents a value add real estate investment strategy.

The current market value of the Green Building Construction Industry is exceeding $200 billion and has a 7 year compound annual growth rate of just under 20%. There are little to no industries that can come close to this growth rate at the relatively low risk our potential developments provide.